Gymnastics is a family of related activities, ranging from trampolining, which is all about being in the air almost all the time, to rhythmic gymnastics, which is all about being on the floor almost all the time (it's the apparatus that is airborne a lot). We are one of the very few sports which expects it's performers to be upside down!

Gymnastics is divided up into disciplines. The majority of gymnasts (more than 85%) participate in just one of these, called General Gymnastics. Genesis Gym Club operates entirely within this discipline. A listing and description of the others follows. We will always act to support talented children and will advise parents of higher level opportunities when we see a particularly able child. Our philosophy is to give our gymnasts a broad taste of gymnastics. To achieve this, we schedule our lessons so that our gymnasts experience as much variety of apparatus work as we can offer. We believe that is good for our gymnasts, but the other side of this coin is that, as a result, they only get about 10 minutes of learning time on any one piece of apparatus, per week. Please remember this when asking about progress and badges.


  • practised throughout the world as a competitive sport and also as a non-competitive activity. It is an Olympic sport but at the same time provides the basis for the development of physical skills on which other sports are based. It is a sport that offers a healthy lifestyle
  • a sport that can be enjoyed by all age groups. If offers challenges and goals for all abilities and opportunities exist in the field of coaching and judging which allow you to remain in the sport for a lifetime
  • a Focus Sport identified by the South East Region of Sport England and is one of the Sport England top 10 nominated sports
  • a sport with 7 distinct disciplines. After General Gymnastics, all the rest require more frequent and regular training.
  • GENERAL GYMNASTICS classes offer activities to all ages including pre-school and special needs. Typical attendance is once a week. General gymnasts have the opportunity to participate in award schemes, low level competitions and displays, including gymnaestrada type multi group displays which are led on an international level. Many a top gymnast started in such classes. The accent is on learning through enjoyment
  • TEAM GYM is floor, vault, tumble and trampette work performed by teams of men, women or mixed members. It can be competed to International level
  • WOMEN’S and MEN’S ARTISTIC gymnasts train in order to compete from junior through to International level using the full range of gymnastic apparatus
  • ACROBATIC GYMNASTICS is a mixture of expressive partner work and acrobatic tumbling, in which men and women can compete together to International level
  • RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS is for girls and women who can compete to international level, with a graceful mix of balletic dance and dexterity with hand apparatus, such as ball, ribbon and hoop
  • TRAMPOLINE Jumpers aim to stay high in the air and show a variety of shapes, turns and twists. Competitions range from novice through to International levels
  • SPORTS AEROBICS combines cardiovascular dance work with elements showing flexibility, balance, strength and flight. This discipline can be competed to International level.